Welcome to RBW. Proudly serving Niagara.





Office Hours:

MON–FRI: 9-5pm
SAT: 9-1pm
to end of April

Experience · Results ·
Community Commitment

RBW provides you and your business with personalized accounting services to support success.


Assurance · Not-for-Profit · Small Business Solutions · Personal & Corporate Taxes & More

Our Assets are your Assets

Our team continues to grow to serve clients with professional, personalized services. Meet the team, experience the difference.

About Us

We love numbers and spreadsheets! Our partners alone have decades of experience helping Niagara businesses navigate the increasingly complex financial landscape. Whether you operate a construction company, a medical office, not for profit organization, legal practice or are a small business, RBW provides personalized accounting services to support your success and plan for future financial growth.

We feel privileged and a sense of responsibility to be on this journey with our employees and clients every step of the way on the path to achieving their goals.

Ryan  Bissonnette

RBW Services

We offer a variety of services to our valued clients, delivered with local knowledge and practical experience to help businesses succeed in today’s ever-changing environment.

Audit, Review & Compilations

Depending on the need of your company or organization, we can offer audited, review engagement, or financial information reports.

Corporate Tax Preparation

Together with your annual financial statements or as a stand-alone item, we offer preparation of corporate tax returns.

Small Business Applications & Solutions

This service can include monthly, quarterly and yearly reviews of accounting information such as accuracy of government remittances.

Personal Tax Preparation

We understand that not everyone likes preparing his or her personal tax return. Let us help.

Cash Flow Planning | Budgeting

We can help you set budgets or review and comment on budgets that you or your staff has created.

Business Plans

We can assist you with writing a business plan that will address the questions and concerns of your stakeholders.

Tax Planning & Corporate Reorganizations

Plan your personal and corporate tax strategy annually, including how you pay yourself.

The RBW Leadership Team

We believe in establishing long relationships with our clients, with a customized approach. We will collaborate with other professionals in your life including bankers, lawyers and financial planners to ensure a seamless approach to your tax, financial and legal needs.

Ryan Bissonnette


Michael Root


Andrew Walker


Cassie Bissonnette


Trudy Tran

Partner, Taxation

For expert tax and financial advice call RBW today and book a consultation.