Welcome to RBW. Proudly serving Niagara.





Office Hours:

MON–FRI: 9-5pm
SAT: 9-1pm
to end of April
Tina Tran

Staff Accountant

Fun Facts

I’m not a fan of math, I can tolerate a little calculus or algebra here and there, but geometry is where I draw the line.

Favourite Hobby

Puzzles, crocheting, Costco runs and suffocating Odie with my love.


I have a Yorkie name Odie who’s a very distinguished gentleman. He thinks he’s part human boy, cat and mountain goat. Some would say, he’s just a grumpy old man.

When it’s not tax season, I'm ...

travelling, at the gym, getting full nights of sleep!

Tina Tran

McMaster University

Grew up in Hamilton